Thursday, November 30, 2006

Celebrating our 25th Turkey Bowl year, 1981-2006!

"East Side Boys"
would like to thank everyone for hanging out with us.

Turkey Bowl 2006 Winner
Tom Melcarek

The "East Side Boys" Turkey Bowl is one of my favorite evenings of the year,
Thank you from your favorite bartender, Rose Marie

One of the Recipients of the Lucky 50/50 Bartenders & Staff Fund.

Happy Turkey Bowl evening to All !!

Many smiling faces and good old friends...

And then came the
United States Marine Corps

Once a year, just before Thanksgiving, a few Turkey Bowl warriors
are out having a great time
catching up on the stories from the old days.

Look even some
second generation kids are showing up for Turkey Bowl
next you can bring your Led Zeppelin young rockers, too..

See you all in 2007.