Thursday, November 26, 2009

Celebrating our 29th Turkey Bowl year, 1980-2009!

"East Side Boys" & "Centennial Lanes"
would like to thank everyone for hanging out with us again this year.

I can't wait to see all of you all again in 2010.

Turkey Bowl 2009 Winner
Tom Melcarek

Tom's stats for the night....

First Back to Back Winner, First Three Time Winner,
900 Series,
Won every game of Bean Bags
throwing only in the hole and scoring 12 points every time he shot,
all of these tremendous events happen without wearing his trademark sling.

Lucky 50/50 Bartenders & Staff Fund
Raffle Winner's

Here are a few photos of some of the Happy Turkey Bowlers...

Hi, I'm Matt Norris (left), these outings are great and especially this one because YES, I was "PUNKED" and I promise for future outings I will not take any poker cards home with me and next year I'll be 21 and I'm buying the first round....LOL !!